Online advertising, also known as internet advertising, uses the internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to the consumers, and it includes e-mail marketing, social media marketing, mobile advertising and many Most companies have become "socialcorps", socialcorps are companies that are learning to take advantage of the power of social media to reshape their relationships with their costomers and other important audiences.
There is no doubt that online advertising is somewhat more effective than the traditional above the line advertising in a sense that, unlike traditional advertising mediums, online advertising allows interactivity, in other words marketers are now able to reach their target audience directly and actually engage them in an open discussion on a certain topic matter, whereas traditional advertising on the other hand is only monologue communication, where audiences do not even get an oppotunity to talk back, and that is why online advertising is taking over.
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some of the globally recognised socialcorps ( |
Millions of brands, big or small, rely heavily on internet advertising for many different reasons. Social media platforms are very powerful, and they are masters of getting messages to the target audience instantly and effectively. Social media platform YOUTUBE allows companies to post videos of their newly launced products, how they work and how best to use them; and so having discussed what online advertising can do that traditional advertising can't, there is no doubt that traditional advertising is not nearly as effective as online advertising, because not only does online advertising deliver messages to the target audience instantly, it also makes locally based brands known globally, and if done properly and creatively it can attract potential business people from all over the world to come and invest in our very own brands.